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Landlord Liability

Written by aDmin on 4:42 AM

As a landlord you should your legal obligations to provide local security for your tenants. The owners should not assume that the lease agreement gives them protection from liability for what happens to tenants during the occupation.

Changes in Residential Tenancies Act to clarify that the landlord has an increased responsibility to ensure that their properties are safe for the tenants and for third parties.

The recent wave of litigation in which the violations and theft were due to a landlord is not in its duty of care to facilities involved in the profession as normal operations can - except for defects that could not reasonably be discovered - were to benefit of Tenants, including negligence, if it is provided by a third party, in any case.

So what an owner can do to protect themselves?

* Be vigilant and find out what happened, and your property.
* Did you regularly inspected. Check the structure, water pipes, lines, roads, etc.
* Maintain an adequate public risk insurance, and make sure that there are no exceptions to this policy, if you want to file a complaint.
* Before buying action, arrange for a written examination of a professional qualification. This can prevent costly repairs necessary to ensure conditions for the tenants.

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